Remain at the forefront of print and publishing technology and join our webinars presented by industry experts.

The Ghent Workgroup has two core tasks. The first one is to create specifications and best practices, which is very challenging from a technical point of view. The second task is to help educate the graphic arts market, which is equally challenging as it involves translating that deep technical knowledge to people who need to use it in practice in the field. Organizing webinars is an effective way to reach people and do just that.

All webinars are for free and are presented by industry experts connected to the GWG with many years of experience in their respective fields

If you missed any of our webinars, you can watch the recordings here: Watch webinars.


Output Suite 5.0

Thursday October 17th at 4 pm CET

“I’m using an older standard because my output device can’t handle PDF/X-4.”

A frequently heard reason for not using modern standards. However, are you sure your output device doesn’t handle PDF/X-4 correctly? How would you even be able to tell?

In this webinar, Dave Zwang and David van Driessche, Chair and Executive Director of the GWG, team up to explain some useful techniques to replace “I think” with “I’ve tested it.” They will introduce the Ghent Output Suite—a free collection of test patches designed to check how your output device (or RIP) handles all the features of PDF/X-4. Additionally, they will highlight vendors who are compliant and offer settings to optimize your output according to the standards.


presented by:

David van Driessche
Four Pees
Executive officer & Co-Chair Specifications SubCommittee GWG

David Zwang
Chair GWG

Want to join?

PDF 2.0

Thursday August 22nd at 4 pm CET

PDF2.0 was first released in 2017. Seven years on it is still not widely used, though. Is that because it has nothing to offer to the graphics arts industry or is it because vendors are not taking advantage yet of the interesting new features of PDF2.0? Find out more about this during the webinar in which we explain what the new things are and you can judge for yourself.


presented by:

Freddy Pieters
Solution Architect


Processing Steps Label

Tuesday May 7th at 4 pm CET
It is common practice in the tag and labels workflow to include visual representations for finishing foiling and embossing, or irregular shaped cutting  in prepress PDF files.
The GWG initiated a standard for this (ISO 19593-1) which is now available in more recent applications of different vendors. It defines a standard way to include processing steps (i.e. data for additional steps in the production of labels besides printing) in a PDF. This removes the need for conventions and vastly improves the reliability to communicate this information.
In this webinar you will learn what processing steps bring to you when you are designing, preparing or printing labels and tags, how they can be used in products and workflows available on the market today and how this not only facilitates data exchange between participants in the label production but also reduces the risk of compromising quality when printing.


presented by:

Frank Vyncke
Hybrid Software
Co-Chair Packaging  SubCommittee GWG

Pascal Wybo
Hybrid Software


Processing Steps Packaging

Tuesday May 7th at 4:30 pm CET

It is common practice in the packaging workflow to include visual representations for finishing e.g. cutting, creasing, foiling, etc… in prepress PDF files.  Until recently this was done in an ad hoc way using various methods like layer naming or separation naming. But this didn’t prevent mis-interpretation of such data or even creating wrong print output.

ISO 19593-1 is a standard that was introduced 5 years ago and is now available in more recent applications of different vendors. It defines a standard way to include processing steps (i.e. data for additional steps in the production of packaging besides printing) in a PDF.

In this webinar you will learn what processing steps are, how they can be used in products and workflows available on the market today and how this not only facilitates data exchange between participants in the packaging production but also reduces the risk of compromising quality when printing.


presented by:

Lieven Plettinck
Co-Chair Packaging  SubCommittee GWG

Frank Woltering


PDF preflight – nearly 30 years old and still relevant!

Using preflight (or quality control) for PDF files started around the same time PDF became a viable format for use in graphic arts. The first preflight applications date back to 1997 (and they are still around!). So what is it? How has the technology changed over the years, and how is it possible that it’s still an essential technology today?

In this webinar, Loïc Aigon (PitStop Product Manager at Enfocus Software and co-chair of the GWG specification subcommittee), and David van Driessche (CTO at Four Pees, Executive Director of the GWG, and co-chair of the GWG specification and process control subcommittees), take you on a trip through time to the origins of PDF preflight and how it evolved since then. Learn whether, when, why, and how you should preflight. And where you can find more help to get you going.


Why are you still using a 20-year-old standard? Stop that!

Recent figures suggest that at least 50% of the printers out there are still actively using the PDF/X-1a standard when requesting PDF files from clients (or creating them internally themselves). Did you know that PDF/X-1a is a more than 20-year-old standard?

Is your car 20 years old? Your computer? Your phone? Probably not. Watch this webinar to learn why it is a bad idea to use PDF/X-1a these days (and what you should be using instead). Learn why PDF/X-1a was a good idea 20 years ago, but no longer today. Have a look at more modern standards. Ask all your questions to the experts.

This webinar is done by Christian Blaise and David van Driessche, who combined have more than 50 years of experience with PDF, standards and automation.


presented by:

         David van Driessche
         Four Pees
         Executive Director GWG


         Christian Blaise
         Four Pees
         Marketing Officer GWG


Digital embellishment

Thursday 1 Dec, 2022 at 4 pm CET

Embellishment and in particular digital embellishment is a real hot topic and an increasingly popular way for printers to differentiate themselves and add value (and margin) to their printed products.
However, in order to avoid issues and achieve the expected final result,  there are certain best practices that should be taken into consideration.

In this webinar we will outline some techniques and best practices for creating PDF print files with content for finishing and embellishment and review PDF standards for the communication of non-printing content (processing steps).


presented by:

Andrew Bailes-Collins
Ultimate Technographics Inc.
Technical Officer GWG


Canva – Creative Cloud Express

Tuesday 7 June, 2022

As members of the subcommittee “Office Document Printing” we need to stay up-to-date with the evolution in the market. Online creating tools are becoming more and more present in our industry and well worth to investigate. In this webinar, we want to advise the users how to create a useful and reproducible PDF out of Canva and Creative Cloud Express. On top of that, we want to offer (digital) printers a possible solution for the incorrect PDF files.


presented by:

Koen Degrande
Chair Office Document Printing Subcommittee GWG


Pantone Colors in Adobe Applications – What are my options?

Wednesday 30 March, 2022

As has been widely published, the Pantone Color libraries will be removed from Adobe applications sometime in March 2022.

This has already created panic and confusion amongst some in the design and printing communities and a lot of talk online about workarounds, whose is responsible for color, and how creators will still be able to achieve the results they expect.

In order to bring some clarity to the situation, the GWG in its role as an creator of standards and best practices for the graphics industry have decided to host a webinar to discuss this.

The goal is to explain how spot colors work in print production workflows and output devices, and talk about your options if the Pantone Libraries are no longer available to you.


presented by:

Andrew Bailes-Collins
Ultimate Technographics
Technical Officer GWG

David van Driessche
callas software
Executive Director GWG
Co-chair Specifications & Process Control Subcommittee


Pantone Colors in Adobe Applications – What are my options?

Wednesday 30 March, 2022

As has been widely published, the Pantone Color libraries will be removed from Adobe applications sometime in March 2022.

This has already created panic and confusion amongst some in the design and printing communities and a lot of talk online about workarounds, whose is responsible for color, and how creators will still be able to achieve the results they expect.

In order to bring some clarity to the situation, the GWG in its role as an creator of standards and best practices for the graphics industry have decided to host a webinar to discuss this.

The goal is to explain how spot colors work in print production workflows and output devices, and talk about your options if the Pantone Libraries are no longer available to you.


presented by:

Andrew Bailes-Collins
Ultimate Technographics
Technical Officer GWG

David van Driessche
callas software
Executive Director GWG
Co-chair Specifications & Process Control Subcommittee


Pantone Colors in Adobe Applications – What are my options?

Wednesday 30 March, 2022

As has been widely published, the Pantone Color libraries will be removed from Adobe applications sometime in March 2022.

This has already created panic and confusion amongst some in the design and printing communities and a lot of talk online about workarounds, whose is responsible for color, and how creators will still be able to achieve the results they expect.

In order to bring some clarity to the situation, the GWG in its role as an creator of standards and best practices for the graphics industry have decided to host a webinar to discuss this.

The goal is to explain how spot colors work in print production workflows and output devices, and talk about your options if the Pantone Libraries are no longer available to you.


presented by:

Andrew Bailes-Collins
Ultimate Technographics
Technical Officer GWG

David van Driessche
callas software
Executive Director GWG
Co-chair Specifications & Process Control Subcommittee


Pantone Colors in Adobe Applications – What are my options?

Wednesday 30 March, 2022

As has been widely published, the Pantone Color libraries will be removed from Adobe applications sometime in March 2022.

This has already created panic and confusion amongst some in the design and printing communities and a lot of talk online about workarounds, whose is responsible for color, and how creators will still be able to achieve the results they expect.

In order to bring some clarity to the situation, the GWG in its role as an creator of standards and best practices for the graphics industry have decided to host a webinar to discuss this.

The goal is to explain how spot colors work in print production workflows and output devices, and talk about your options if the Pantone Libraries are no longer available to you.


presented by:

Andrew Bailes-Collins
Ultimate Technographics
Technical Officer GWG

David van Driessche
callas software
Executive Director GWG
Co-chair Specifications & Process Control Subcommittee


One Standard rules them all!

Tuesday 12 January, 2021

So you’ve done your best and learned about PDF, the PDF/X standards,  the GWG specifications… Now what? Which of the 15 PDF/X standard versions should you use? Or should you rather use the GWG specification? And if so, which version of those? The amount of standards and specifications easily fills a dense forest. This webinar will help you find that single tree you would best use in your production workflow!

presented by:

David van Driessche
callas software
Executive Director GWG

Christian Blaise
Marketing Officer GWG


Creating PDF files from design applications

Thursday 3 December, 2020

In this webinar, we will focus on how to create a reliable PDF by implementing the GWG settings. There will be a live demonstration on how to load, install and use the latest GWG settings in your application. At the end of the webinar creating PDFs from design applications will have no more secrets for you.

presented by:

Carl Van Rooy
Senior Innovation Consultant VIGC
Vice Chair GWG

Koen Degrande
Service Engineer Sagam/Igepa Benelux


Creating PDF files from non-designer applications

Thursday 19 November, 2020

In this webinar there is a focus on how to create a reliable PDF out of “non-designer” applications.  This webinar can be useful for office users, printing companies, copy shops. Office users will learn how to create their PDF correctly and what are the common errors and how to solve or prevent them. Printing companies and copy shops will learn how to advise their customers about how create a printable PDF.

presented by:

Carl Van Rooy
Senior Innovation Consultant VIGC
Vice Chair GWG

Koen Degrande
Service Engineer Sagam/Igepa Benelux


6 things about color and PDF

Thursday 29 October 2020

Whether you are producing a creative marketing piece or high-profile packaging, getting color output aligned with your own or your client’s expectations should be easy, but there are many variables that can prevent that from happening. Many times, the intended output is not reflected in the settings used or applied to create the PDF file for print, which can cause confusion and possible production delays. The GWG provides great white papers and recommended setting files, but creative applications like Indesign, Illustrator and Photoshop have some confusing settings that can even appear to contradict each other.

In this webinar we will take a look at some of the more troublesome color reproduction issues, and how they can be identified in advance and prevented.

This session will be presented by David Zwang analyst, process consultant and GWG Chairman, and Steven Carter consultant, member of several ISO TC130 workgroups dealing with PDF, and GWG Co-chair of the Packaging Subcommittee.

presented by:

David Zwang
Printing United Alliance
Chair GWG

Steve Carter
Co-Chair Packaging Subcommittee GWG


10 things you should know about fonts in PDF (and probably don’t)

23 September, 2020

As reliable as PDF files are, there are still things that can wrong with them from time to time. One of the leading causes of such problems usually is the subject of fonts. Watch this webinar to understand fonts better: because it’s always smart to know your enemy, we’ll dissect some fonts for you and talk about character codes, glyphs, encodings, Multiple Master fonts, city fonts and much more.

Presented by:

Christian Blaise

CEO & Founder agileStreams
Co-chair Packaging Subcommittee GWG

David van Driessche

CTO Four Pees & callas software
Co-chair Specifications Subcommittee GWG


10 things you do with PDF, but (perhaps) know you shouldn’t

 June 23rd, 2020
Every day, you work with PDF and make changes to your files in several applications and workflows. There are things that we are sure that you usually do with PDF, but do know that they may damage your files or your workflow? Join us on the journey of the 10 things you do with PDF, but (perhaps) know you shouldn’t and you will understand why you shouldn’t and how to do differently.


Presented by:

Christian Blaise

CEO & Founder agileStreams
Co-chair Packaging Subcommittee GWG

David van Driessche

CTO Four Pees & callas software
Co-chair Specifications Subcommittee GWG


Q&A/Problem Solving Webinar

Tuesday 19 May, 2020

A panel of specialists of vendor, association and industry representatives sat together during our Q&A webinar on Tuesday May 19th, 2020 at 4pm CET and answered all your questions.

Presented by our panel of specialists:

  • Andrew Bailes-Collins (Sr Product Manager Enfocus / Co-chair Specifications Subcommittee GWG)
  • Frank Vyncke (Senior Software Architect HYBRID Software)
  • Peter Kleinheider (Managing Director calibrate workflow consulting / Co-chair Specifications subcommittee & Color subcommittee GWG)

Everything you wanted to know about PDF transparency but were afraid to ask

Thursday 26 March, 2020

This webinar will help designers better understand native transparency – the benefits and challenges – and the use of best practices to avoid common print problems associated with transparencies.  You will discover the solutions available to ensure that designs print trouble free and you will learn the fundamental concept of what transparency is, how it is used, and what can be done in terms of best practices to avoid some of the more common pitfalls associated with using – and printing – transparency.

Click on the download slides button to download the package including the PowerPoint Presentation and the sample files used in the webinar.

presented by:

Andrew Bailes-Collins
Co-chair Specifications Subcommittee


What is PDF and PDF/X?

Thursday 11 April, 2019

An introduction to the PDF standard, the ISO PDF/X standards built on it, and how this forms the foundation of all Ghent Workgroup specifications.

presented by:

David van Driessche
callas software
Executive Director GWG


Digital Printing

Thursday 18 April, 2019 

The Ghent Workgroup recently released new Digital Printing specifications. Learn all about what is in those new specifications and how they can benefit you.

presented by:

David van Driessche
callas software
Executive Director GWG

Elli Cloots

Vice Chair GWG


PDF Creation & Workflow Strategies

Tuesday  7 May, 2019

Creating good PDF, and how to deal with PDF in your workflow shouldn’t be a black art. Join this session for practical information on what to do when.

presented by:

David Zwang
Printing Industries of America
Chair GWG

Frank Vyncke
HYBRID software


Packaging for brand owners

Wednesday 29 May, 2019

As early as 2003, the Ghent Workgroup started its efforts around the use of PDF in packaging. What is happening with that in 2019 and why is this so important for brand owners?

presented by:

Christian Blaise

Lieven Plettinck


Large Format Print

Wednesday 8 May, 2019

LFP is a complex and varied field that places many requirements on the PDF files used in it. Learn about the new Ghent Workgroup specification for LFP during this session.

presented by:

David van Driessche
callas software
Executive Director GWG

Elli Cloots
Vice Chair GWG


PDF 2.0 and PDF/X-6

Thursday 6 June, 2019

We have been using PDF 1.x for 25 years. Why was it necessary to create PDF 2.0 and what is new in it? The facts on a new PDF format and the PDF/X standard that is being built using it.

presented by:

Dov Isaacs


How to setup color management for creatives and print buyers

Thursday 13 June, 2019

Problems with colour can often be avoided if all used applications are configured correctly and the contractual expectations for colour are set ahead of time. Find out how, and what best to do during this session.

presented by:

Joris Verbouwe