News Photography
“News Photography” for newspaper production
Spanish translation of the user guide ‘Importing PDF files into Design Applications’
Spanish translation of the document ‘Using PDF to associate processing steps and content data’
Spanish translation of the document ‘Transparency – best practices’
Spanish translation of the document ‘PDF/VT: overview and practice
Spanish translation of the document ‘Packaging & Labels: Is the next big thing already here?
The GWG Job Ticket subcommittee has established a standard method for including advertisement metadata with a PDF file. This work has been done in complete collaboration with AdsML and its…
The GWG Soft-Proofing Ticket uses Adobe XMP specifications to attach information to a PDF file. It provides both an easy-to-understand description of the user as well as accurate details about…
If a document is submitted for printing as a PDF/X file, the intended printing condition must be recorded in the file as an “output intent” structure. Click here to read more about…