Knowing how to create a good, print-ready PDF file is essential to make sure your design comes across exactly as intended. The Ghent Workgroup has a number of resources to help you with this.

Don't be afraid to reach out to us in case of questions!

User Guides

Over the years, the Ghent Workgroup has written highly informative papers on specific challenges around PDF and the use of PDF in design. The following user guides are particularly useful for you.

Of course there are more user guides available, check out the full list to see if anything else jumps out to you.

This user guide addresses concerns associated with PDF aggregated documents, and examines common PDF aggregation workflows. It highlights how to manage problems that can occur when working with various types of PDF documents and elements in a single file that will be saved as a PDF, itself.

This user guide reviews today’s trends and discusses with leading players the growth of the packaging sector and the upsurge in specialist applications.  It also includes an overview of the development of digitization and printing and packaging technologies and processes.

This document is intended to aid designers in better understanding native transparency, and provides best practices to help avoid the most common print problems associated with transparency.

This PDF/X workflow document explains how you can best take advantage of the new specification as a creator and receiver. This user guide is also available in Dutch and in Italian.


All of the webinars the Ghent Workgroup holds are recorded so you can easily review them at your leisure. Here’s a hand-picked list of recommended videos for you:

What is PDF and PDF/X?

PDF Creation and Workflow Strategies

Color Management - fun for designers

Transparency - best practises

Packaging for brand owners

9 reasons to preflight

Did that make you feel like more? The webinar page has many more interesting topics to choose from – check it out!

Make a good PDF and check it

Do you need to export the perfect PDF file from your design application? Or do you need to validate whether a PDF file is going to behave well in production? Many applications require special settings or configurations in order to export good PDF or to be able to validate it. Click here to go to the page where the Ghent Workgroup members publish their application settings.

In the downloaded zip file, you’ll find the necessary configuration files and documentation on how to install and use them. Be aware that some vendors already incorporated all necessary settings in their application, so the documentation file might just tell you that you have everything already and explain how to use it!