About us

Take a cross-section of the international graphic arts community’s best minds, and have them work together to develop best practices for the benefit of the profession worldwide. This is the Ghent Workgroup.

The Ghent Workgroup, or the GWG, is an international organization made up of graphic arts users, associations, educational institutions & developers building best practices for print and packaging workflows. The resulting recommendations, specifications, and workflow testing suites make it easy for increasing numbers of professionals around the world to successfully create, process, and exchange graphic arts files for numerous applications. This global organization was founded in June 2002.

The Graphic Arts Think-Tank

The initial idea for the GWG took hold among a group of professionals representing Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Switzerland, at that time working toward consensus on PDF creation and preflight settings. The process was complex, and it became clear that a more coordinated approach was needed then and for the future.

Industry experts from around the world joined the GWG in increasing numbers, and a unique, collaborative infrastructure for creating and testing international specifications was born. The results have been so positive that the group is on the way to significantly expanding the scope of projects it can undertake on behalf of the worldwide graphic arts community.

Stay ahead of the curve—Become a GWG member

No rush—just reach out! We’ll walk you through what’s involved and can connect you with members for an open chat. You can also join two meetings as an observer before deciding. (And if you’re in Graphic Arts, you’ll love it!)