A „GWG Video tutorials“ international project was carried out as part of the Ghent Workgroup Creative Outreach Subcommittee work. It begun in February and ended in June 2021. In it 57 1st year students of the Graphic and Media Technology course of study of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) participated.

The aim of the project was to redesign and simplify the selected contents of the GWG video tutorials, since sometimes technical and strictly professional content can be difficult to understand. This project was carried out at the same time as the project of „GWG Infographics, with the purpose to compare, rethink and evaluate how the same content can be represented in different ways.

The project was lead and supervised by three mentors assoc. prof. dr. Raša Urbas, assist. prof. dr. Urška Vrabič Brodnjak and assist. Andrej Učakar, who divided the students into 15 groups. Group work is crucial for students to learn working in teams, making compromises and listening to each other.

Students were given detailed instructions on how to create and redesign 8 existing GWG video tutorials. In presenting the content, which they, where needed supplemented for easier understanding, had to use the GWG style guide, which defines colors, fonts, and other elements of GWG’s corporate identity. All the videos were created in English, while some of the students decided to prepare it also in Slovene. The students showed a lot of creativity, ingenuity, innovation and willingness to work.


The students’ work can be seen on the web site of the Faculty of Natural Sciences.


Authors of video tutorials:


  1. Common color spaces 1. – Rebecca Colner, Polona Grilc, Sara Selšek & Tina Žibert
  2. Common color spaces 2. – Doroteja Fras, Petra Koželj, Tjaša Nebec & Sandra Zidanšek
  3. Image and object profiles 1. – Mara Bibin, Andrea Sekulovska, Lara Semprimožnik & Staša Virant
  4. Image and object profiles 2. – Tina Taler & Maks Vadnjal
  5. Transparency 1. – Laura Gluhar, Pia Kovač, Neja Maček & Julija Stolec
  6. Transparency 2. – Filip Feuš, Mirnes Hodžić, Filip Jereb & Nejc Pokorn
  7. RIP processing 1. – Tadeja Klopčič, Nina Krajnc, Klara Pirnat & Ana Ropret
  8. RIP processing 2. – Sara Herman, Nika Ipavec, Timotej Jaušovec & Emilija Proeva
  9. Fonts in PDF 1. – Tjaša Groznik, Lina Knap & Miša Marguč Jensterle
  10. Fonts in PDF 2. – Aleks Balažic, Saša Baloh, Nova Okorn & Anja Šušmelj
  11. Type of fonts in PDF 1. – Tea Gruden, Nina Mihelić, Manca Slabe & Maruša Đaković
  12. Type of fonts in PDF 2. – Anamari Hribar, Larisa Matijevič, Manca Rihar & Pia Varošanec
  13. Overprint preview 1. – Tjaša Ana Buček, Farah Sara Kurnik, Gal Martinjak & Jan Češnjevar
  14. Overprint preview 2. – Taja Miklič, Urška Ogorevc, Laura Zalar & Mia Škoberne
  15. CMYK conversion with ICC color profiles – Nuša Gabrijel, David Pšeničnik, Maks Rotar & Katjuša Čermelj Ljušić

Common color spaces 1

Common color spaces 2

Image and object profiles 1

Image and object profiles 2

Transparency 1

Transparency 2

RIP processing 1

RIP processing 2

Where do fonts live in PDF 1

Where do fonts live in PDF 2

Font types in PDF 1

Font types in PDF 2

Overprint preview 1

Overprint preview 2

CMYK coversion with ICC profiles 1