GWG 2022-R1
GHENT, BELGIUM —The Ghent Workgroup (GWG) announces the immediate availability of a maintenance update to their latest specifications, GWG 2022- R1. The update was created based on market feedback and has already been integrated into the offerings of major preflight vendors for easy adoption.
„Since the release of the GWG 2022 specifications in March 2022, we have seen rapid industry adoption,“ states David van Driessche, Chief Evangelist at callas software, and Executive Officer at the Ghent Workgroup: „We’re happy to see the industry shift to more modern Ghent Workgroup specifications. We have been stuck with 20-year-old standards for far too long. The higher adoption also highlighted a few minor aspects of the specification we wanted to correct, which is done in this maintenance release.“
„While end-users out there will likely not see a difference, we still encourage everyone to use preflight profiles based on the new GWG 2022-Rl specification,“ says Loïc Aigon, Product Manager PitStop at Enfocus: „What we corrected now is minor, but standards need to be precise to implement consistently across different vendors. This release underlines the continuous efforts of the GWG Specification Subcommittee to keep improving printers‘ efficiency worldwide.“
Loïc Aigon and David van Driessche co-chair the Specification Subcommittee, which is where new specifications are born and maintained at the Chent Workgroup. They ensured that the latest version of the specification, GWG 20222- R1, is available in the latest releases of Enfocus PitStop and callas pdfToolbox already.
The GWG 2022-Rl specification does not include new variants or significant changes. However, the Ghent Workgroup is working on new variants for textile printing, and other industrial applications.
If you have expertise in either of those market segments and want to be part of a group that shapes the future of standardization in your industry, please get in touch with us.
We would love to hear from you. Send an email to to learn more.
For developers
The GWG 2022-Rl specification is available online as a shared Google spreadsheet.
This highly structured format makes developing and maintaining solutions based on the GWG specifications easier. You can find this release here.
Printing United Alliance and VIGC. Vendor members include callas software, DALIM Software, Canon, ECO3, Enfocus, Esko, Heidelberg, HYBRID Software, PageProof, Ricoh, Tech Research (TagG) and Ultimate Tech. Industry members are bleuprocess, CAPT, Direct Mailers, JP/Politikenshus, Lab9Pro and
RRD Communications. Educational members are CEC Latam, Future Schoolz, GIPT,
Hochschule der Medien, RIPT, Rochester Institute of Technology, Ryerson University, UiTM,
University of Ljubljana, Univesity of Novi Sad and University Wuppertal.All products and services are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged.